Our website is under construction.
Please be sure to look under the Apply Now tab for more available properties that may not be in the MLS or shown here.
We hope you are happy and comfortable in your home, your safety and comfort is important to us.
Please call us immediately with emergencies, we maintain vendors who are equipped to handle emergencies at our properties.
We have procedures in place that will ensure timely response to non emergency requests. Your cooperation in following our procedures in much appreciated. Once we receive the request form, we will begin processing immediately, we will do our best to have an answer to you within 48 business hours.
If you would like to request a modification to the property or if the property is in need of maintenance, please complete the appropriate form maintenance@thepliskygroup.com or fax the form to 805 497 6141.
Please remember, it is important that you do not alter the property or fixtures without prior approval of the owner. We
Request to Modify Property Tenant Maintenance Request